Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Dijkstra’s Algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest path between one source node and all the other nodes in a graph, thereby producing a shortest-path-tree
Psuedo Code
# Set the distances if all nodes in the graph to infinty
for node in graph:
node.distance = INFINITY
# Create an empty list
nodes = []
# Set the start distance to ZERO
START.distance = 0
# Add start to the list
# Loop to update distances
while nodes is not empty:
CURRENT = argmin(node, criteria=node.distance)
report "Success"
for adjacent_node in CURRENT.adjacent_nodes:
if adjacent_node.distance > CURRENT.distance + cost of edge from CURRENT to adjacent_node:
adjacent_node.distance = CURRENT.distance + cost of edge from CURRENT to adjacent_node
adjacent_node.parent = CURRENT
# Add adjacent_node to the list, if it is not already present
if adjacent_node not in nodes: